DNA/RNA Sequence Manager App - Django
Product Description
Django web application to manage DNA sequences and to visualize a force-directed RNA structures.
This Django web application can only be used locally on your computer.
It allows to manage DNA sequences and store them in a SQLite database
Product Content:
Buying this product you'll get a requirements file in '.txt.' format and the Django Sequence Manager web application in a '.zip' file:
- x1 '.zip' file with the entire SequenceManager project.
- x1 '.txt' file as a Python dependencies requirements file.
DNA/RNA Sequence Manager Tool
Tool Description
Django web application to manage DNA sequences, making possible to:
- introduce DNA sequence as a text sequence composed with the nucleotide letters (ATCG) making possible to compute and calculate its reverse and reverse-complement sequences fast and easily
- Visualize a force-directed RNA secondary structures, by introducing a DNA sequence and the desired structure, making possible to create the desired structure for the correct sequence..
Tool Functionalities
What you can do with this web application are:
About DNA:
- Create, Read, Update and Delete DNA sequences
- DNA reverse sequence.
- DNA reverse-complement sequence.
About RNA:
- RNA secondary structure.
- Interactive 2D forced-directed RNA structure visualization. Zoom, PAN, Lazo or select area are some way examples to interact with the plot.
- Downloadable forced-directed RNA structure plot as image in different formats: PNG, SVG, JPG, JPEG.
Tool Applications
Useful for any business, brands, applications, scientists or programmers that wants to compute DNA sequence results from a given sequence, or that wants to represent a downloadable forced-directed RNA structure fast an easily.
Quick start:
Follow the next steps:
- Install the 'requirements.txt' file.
- Place your command-line prompt inside the main project folder 'SequenceManager', where the 'manage.py' file is and migrate the models to the database by typing: python3 manage.py migrate.
- Execute the project typing: python3 manage.py runserver.
Packages needed
The next Python packages (included in the requirements file) are needed for the application usage:
- Django
- dash
- dash-bio==1.0.1
- django_plotly_das
Get it once and use it forever!
Be careful:
This software is ready to execute and use locally on your computer as a normal Django project that is in development. Tested only on Linux OS.
Make sure you know how to install and run a Django project locally on your computer.
You'll get a requirements file in '.txt.' format and the Dajngo Sequence Manager web application in a '.zip' file .